
Thursday, March 24, 2011


Me + scissors = scary.

Thank goodness it's just hair and I didn't cut too short. :P

Now... Must. Stop. Procrastinating.

Time to get down and clean the house and finish the laundry.. and tackle that to-do list. (which is thankfully short).

I'll see you on the flip side!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beautiful Days:

They are meant to be cherished.

Today is one of those days. The sun is shining in the house from the windows, I had a great walk on the treadmill and a super awesome yoga session (which alleviated some of that back pain from travelling 8+ hours in the car this week), yummy and healthy breakfast (something which I have NOT been doing this last week- sugary carbs are not my friend), and hanging out with my hubs before he goes to work. <3

I wish every day could be like this. Each day is absolutely special, but the joy that days like today bring is just unique. What makes it even more special is that I came home to shampooed carpets, a clean house, no laundry and a happy puppy.  All thanks to super-hubs.

Life is Good. All the time. But today, it is extra good.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt...

and so I did!

Things around here seem so much more "put together" when the flower beds are cleaned out. Now, if the laundry and house would follow suit today, it will be a complete trifecta.

The front of the house went from this:

To this:
Still a few things we'd like to do (flowering plants, lighting, etc) but it's an improvement for sure.
Of course, one cannot get away from gardening without casualties... thankfully it was only my forearms this time.
It's possible that my skin is more sensitive than normal, because I don't recall the juniper bushes attacking me this badly last time 'round. I look like a mottled trout!

So there you have it!

By the way, thanks to my super-hubs for lifting and laying all the mulch after I weeded and pruned. He kinda rocks.

<3 the end!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hey heartburn...

I thought we had an agreement. I wouldn't eat peanuts and peanut butter, and you would leave me alone!


Extreme boredom this evening has led to an organized closet, laundry finished and much needed thunderstorm cuddles on the sofa with B.

It's only 8:00?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Read me! (all the way.. don't you stop half way)

I suppose I've been silent for a little too long, but with all the snow days, catching up with the K kiddos from the snow days (by the way, they ROCKED their program and were uber cute doing so), programs and life, I've kinda been in a "meh" mood.

The sunshine the past few days has definitely helped though! Thank you sunshine! Please don't go away for so long next time. My mood desperately depends on you.

So to catch you up, here are are some photos in sequential order starting from oldest to most recent.

20 Weeks (half way!)

22 Weeks!

23 Weeks!

23 weeks (again)

He's quite the kicker and mover. It's probably one of the greatest feelings I've ever felt.. so I don't mind when he uses my bladder as a trampoline.

On an exciting note, the second grade classes at my school created a spectacular video showing how they want to reduce waste daily in the Find Your Footprint contest for National Geographic. Not surprisingly (because their video is wonderful and creative) they made it to the Top 6! Currently they are in 1st (!!!!) place, but to make sure that they win, you should go vote for them on all of your different electronic devices. Voting is limited to one per computer, so you can vote once from as many computers/iPhones/iPod touches that you'd like.

Just click on this link and look for the most wonderful video (that would be the "Helping the World and Saving Our Future" by Betsy Wright from Springdale, AR) and click vote! It's pretty simple, and you will be helping put $35,000 worth of Promethean boards and technology in the hands of hundreds of deserving children.

If you vote (and you totally should because it's super easy), leave me a comment telling me! I'd love to hear from you!

That's all folks! Until next time, toodles.