
Friday, November 27, 2009

So Very Thankful.

Sometimes we forget during difficult times about all of the amazing people and things we have to be thankful for. Yesterday, I spent all day with those for whom I am thankful. It was fabulous to say the least. 

The many ways I feel blessed:
* my amazing husband
* my dad
* my mom
* our "kids" 
* having a warm and loving home
* our health
* friends who care
* and most of all I am thankful for Jesus- who died so that I could live

Just a short story to commemorate how amazingly blessed I feel to be where I am. Thanksgiving break has been a bit rough physically for me. Although we were able to spend wonderful quality time with our family over delicious food in NLR, I have been ill the last few weeks with the flu, strep and a fever that has spanned five days so far. Chase and I left NLR this morning right at 6:00am because I needed to work this morning at 9:00. I slept most of the way home and he dropped me off at Saied once we arrived in town. He called around lunch time to bring me some money to eat a lunch and I asked how unpacking went, and he had completely unpacked everything- my clothes, toiletries, and dirty laundry included and cleaned up the house. He said knew how exhausted/sick I am right now and wanted to say thank you for working so hard. 

We though my fever had gone away yesterday, but today it's back up, so say a prayer it goes away!

Especially during these times I am humbled and reminded constantly that all will be provided if I just keep working hard and have faith. 

Philippians 4:19
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches
 in glory by Christ Jesus. 

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