
Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've been a terrible blogging slacker, but when I feel overwhelmed, blogging is the first thing to go!

To catch you up though, Connor is 7 months old now, I'm still taking my awesome online photo class from Little Fashion Diaries, and life is still good! Connor has started really trying to move and groove. Chase and I even caught him trying to pull up on the side of his crib.

He loves to babble, touch and chew on everything, and eat at the table with us. He's growing so very fast and I sometimes wish we could hit pause for a couple of days! He loves blowing bubbles and even has learned how to gurgle recently. It's so cute to listen to his sounds... he is definitely a vocal little boy!

For my photo class, I have really learned a lot and am amped to continue learning more! I'll post my most recent photos from the class. This week's assignment is somewhat of a surprise, so you won't see my photo until after Tuesday! *wink wink*

Anyhoodle, that's all for now!

Photos as promised:

Landscape (near where we took our maternity photos)

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