
Monday, March 19, 2012

Let's Get Organized

Many of you know that I am a bit of a... how shall I say this nicely.... tidy mouse? I love things to have their own place, and for things to magically return to their place when they are no longer in use. Some days, that just doesn't magically happen.

So in an effort to make our home more streamlined, I've embarked on a mission to make sure every item in our house has a home.

You can imagine this being a little overwhelming, and well it is! Oddly enough, it's the items outside of the main living area (... *cough cough* garage and attic *cough cough* hub's domain.. *cough cough*.... ) that need to be dealt with. I am one of those people that would just rather throw it out or into the garage sale pile. Not the hubs.

So here's my tentative plan. Since we (and by we, I mean hubs) have already organized our filing cabinet, and I've cleaned out our closets (minus mine... I need a few more supplies for that), organizing and planning is going to be a little easier. The biggest obstacle is not trying to do it all at once. It will be a process and I'm okay with that! Part of the process is procuring the correct totes, organizing bins and labels from Thirty-One (because they ROCK) and saving my $ for labels and laminators and hanging tags.

To me, the best part of organzing (besides the sheer pleasure it gives me to have things where I know they shoudl be) is the visually pleasing nature of an organized closet or kitchen cabinet.

1) First item on the docket for next week when my new organizing utility tote arrives? The under the kitchen sink dilemma... as well as childproofing those babies!


Reba said...

This is what I have been madly doing the last few days. I am not going to get all the way done before my crew returns, but I am off to a good start! It feels so good!

Lyric said...

Oh! It makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who obsesses over everything have it's "place!" Good luck with the baby-proofing! Ben and I discovered that once we baby-proofed one thing, Milo found something else...or learned how to climb! haha!